Wir denken, planen und handeln ganzheitlich. Mit integrierter Fachkompetenz und langjähriger Erfahrung realisieren wir die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse unserer Auftraggeber sowie qualitativ hohe und nachhaltige Architektur.


After her years of study in Wiesbaden and productive work phases in Athens and Hamburg, the focus of her life and her work as an architect, civil engineer and Feng Shui consultant today is in Frankfurt am Main, from where she attends to private clients as well as corporate clients, locally and globally, with experience and passion.

Her far-reaching experience is based on project work as an architect and civil engineer for industry leaders such as HOCHTIEF and AUG. PRIEN as well as work in the Greek market. There she was able to gain practical insights into the special perspective and working method at the interface of real estate development and architecture.

Stamatia Antoniou Farmaki gained extensive experience in the areas of project planning and project calculation at the corporate level during her many years of employment for the companies HOCHTIEF and AUG. PRIEN in Hamburg. At HOCHTIEF she worked as the site manager for shell construction and finishing work. In the transition to a complex construction project, in Hamburg, she deepened her skills with the assumption of additional tasks as the planning coordinator. Her areas of responsibility were further expanded after her transition to AUG.PRIEN, in the role of project coordinator and later as project director.

In the meantime Ms Antoniou Farmaki enlarged her portfolio with another additional qualification. To enable the design of living spaces more successfully and with more awareness, Stamatia Antoniou Farmaki successfully acquired the status of Imperial Feng Shui Consultant at the International Feng Shui Academy in Bad Homburg.


A conversation with Stamatia Antoniou Farmaki about architecture, integrated skills and the advantages of Feng Shui

How did you come to the unusual decision to study architecture and civil engineering?

Basically the influence of my father was of great importance to my career. During my childhood there was always construction or rebuilding going on at various locations. So I came into contact with images of both occupations at an early age. There were constantly sketches and plans were constantly open on the tables of our home and various craftmen were always coming and going. I was allowed to go along to building sites and sometimes even give my opinion. 

This was very exciting for me as a child. My original desire was to become an architect. To prepare I completed an internship at a construction company and while there I realised that structural analysis is the foundation of every design. This led to me first studying civil engineering and then, following my passion for forms and design, completing my architectural studies as well.

How did you then become involved with Feng Shui? 

I first came across Feng Shui during my adolescence. I read books about it and thought it was interesting to see what effects could arise from natural circumstances in connection with people and their surroundings.

The subject then fell to the wayside over the years because I initially focused on my studies and then on my career as a civil engineer and architect. In the western world at that time, Feng Shui played no role in these areas. However, many years later, whilst involved in a special project, I came into contact with Feng Shui again. My enthusiasm for it was reignited and I was inspired to study further.

How do these architecture and civil engineering fit together with Feng Shui consulting?

Feng Shui teaches how living spaces can be deliberately designed. Therefore, to me its obvious that these aspects go together. During my many years of experience, I established that spaces could be very well designed, but it was a fact that often a certain detail in harmony would be missing. However, this can be created by incorporating aspect of Feng Shui. In every design planning a building may not be looked at individually, so that one must always consider its relationship to its surroundings and the people using it. It is only with this cooperation that you can achieve overall harmony between the building and people. One thing is certain- you can only feel truly at home in a house in which you feel completely comfortable.

What advantages does your experience in the fields of civil engineering and architecture bring in conjunction with Feng Shui?

In my point of view all three areas are very closely related to one another. The key advantage in this connection is the knowledge of the technical feasibility on the one hand and the design ideas on the other hand, and all of this from the perspective of the teachings of Feng Shui. Ideally a property would be developed from this holistic view. The starting point must always be the individual because the impact of a space is always very personal. In conjunction with Feng Shui forms of a property can be in perfect harmony with one another and in line with the individual. To name an example from the guidelines of Feng Shui teachings for planning the layout: The ideal house proportions are square, followed by rectangular. These geometrics ensure a highly functional relationship between the interior space and the individual. The entrance is also very important. If there is a window across from the entrance it is considered that the energy cannot be kept inside the house and escapes directly out the window. For the occupants this quick “energy motorway” is very strenuous, the home can feel uncomfortable, the occupants can not find peace and can feel rushed. In addition the energy can not distribute itself throughout the house. However, there are design or construction measures that can counteract this. In my opinion, I would, at University, integrate the Feng Shui teachings, the "Five-Elements-Theory" in mainstream Architecture and Civil Engineering courses.

Are there projects which have particularly influenced you in your career to date?

The Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg is, without a doubt, a building which is spectacular in every aspect. Looking back, I can say that to have contributed to it is, and remains, a unique experience. Included in the other showcase projects in the city of Hamburgwould also be the commercial and residential area “Stadthöfe” with the integrated hotel. The aspect “connecting old and new”, which can be seen today, was a challenge to implement there.

How do you see the Elbphilharmonie in connection with Feng Shui?

The concert hall could only be optimized by incorporating some aspects of Feng Shui. For example, as energy flows into the building from the entrance area it needed to be supported by select colours and decorative elements. In the open interior space a clear path would contribute to improved orientation of the visitors.

How would you advise people who would like to build, purchase or rent a home?

To contact me (laughs). Kidding aside, an additional look at any kind of property from the perspective of people and their natural environs can only bring added value. Whether new construction, space conversion, garden design, private living or work space, there is a solution for all areas. This also applies to any business, from offices to surgeries to retail or hotels. I draw on my education, experience and Feng Shui teachings to provide a balanced solution. Only when people are in harmony with their living and work environment can the full potential of Feng Shui be reached.

You advise not only private clients but also companies in so-called «Business Feng Shui». How can companies profit from this?

Often small changes are enough to achieve a great impact. The correct measures, however, depend on the business, the environment and the assignment of the space at the chosen time. Generally speaking, my consultations include concept development for buildings of all types and room analysis. I also accompany the client during the purchasing and construction phase. This applies to houses and apartments as well as companies, surgeries, hotels etc.

Let yourself be inspired.